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Parent Information

No. 51 was set up to help keep families together if they are unable to remain in their own homes or do not have a home. We aim to enable families who would not usually be suitable for larger-scale residential placements to benefit from this intensive and round the clock support. Only one family at a time live at No. 51. 


We are often asked to work with families because all of our services are independent.  We are not social services.  We are a team of support workers, social workers, psychologists and counsellors who help parents to care for their children in a safe and nurturing environment. 


We support parents to overcome any personal difficulties they may have such as childhood trauma, attachment difficulties, mental health problems, drug and alcohol use and relationship difficulties. We have lots of experience of working with parents who have mild to moderate learning difficulties and/or who have health conditions such as Autism, Asperger Syndrome, ADHD, OCD or ODD.


We are asked by the Courts to help them decide whether a child is safe to live with their parent/s at home in the future, and what support they might need to make this happen.

Father Playing with Daughters
Parent Responsibilities

While staying at No. 51, parents are responsible for:​


  • Themselves and their children

  • Their money and belongings (there is a lockable cabinet in the bedroom and anything of a high personal or financial value can be given to the Registered Manager who will lock it in the office safe and record it in the valuables book)

  • Keeping themselves and their children safe, and helping others to stay safe

  • Buying food and other things they need for their family

  • Preparing food for themselves and their children

  • Keeping all areas that they use at No. 51 clean and tidy

  • Contributing positively to the assessment process

  • Adhering to safe sleeping guidance and practices as advised by staff


Our staff are always on hand to support and teach parents to carry out any tasks.


House Rules In order to make every family's stay safe and enjoyable we have some house rules. This information is available in the Parents Disciplinary Policy which is provided to parents prior to their arrival. Failure to adhere to these rules will affect a parent's placement and may result in them being asked to leave No. 51.

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